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IN : 5G spectrum 5G strategy
TAGS:  #5G verticals

Poland opens 3.8–4.2 GHz to private networks

The Polish regulator UKE has published its regulation for local enterprise networks.

Local government authorities can apply for 100 MHz in the 3.8–3.9 GHz, while other users, including businesses, can apply for 3.9–4.2 GHz frequencies for vertical use. Entities can apply for blocks in multiples of 10 MHz, up to 100 MHz in total.

Due to the presence of radio altimeters in the band above 4.2 GHz, medium-power devices cannot be used outdoors in the 4.0–4.2 GHz range.

Annual fees for the licences depend on the amount of spectrum licences and the population of the region being covered.

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