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IN : EU Digital Decade

5G holographic lab opens in Spain

Telefónica and Nokia have teamed up with the Valencia Polytechnic University (UPV) for the project.

The Valencian University’s Institute of Telecommunications and Multimedia Applications (iTEAM) has launched Spain’s first laboratory dedicated to the development and testing of holographic use cases based on 5G technology.

According to the UPV, the lab will be equipped with advanced cameras to design and develop immersive holographic applications in different fields. Telefónica will provide support for the operation of the 5G network and applications, which will be operated in the 26 GHz band, while Nokia will provide network equipment.

The launch of this lab is part of the “Avanzando-5G-Immersivo” project of the UNICO I+D 5G plan, funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, whose main objective is to strengthen research, development, and innovation activities between universities and technology companies to promote the consolidation of Spain as a leader in innovation projects with NextGenEU funding from the European Commission.

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