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Czechs use 10 GB of data per month on average, regulator reports

The latest figures were published in the Czech Telecommunication Office’s 2023 annual report.

The average monthly data usage per mobile data SIM card reached 9.8 GB – up from 7 GB in the previous year says the CTU.

The total volume of mobile data transferred reached nearly 1.35 thousand PB, showing an estimated year-on-year growth of around 43 percent.

Among its other areas of focus in 2023, the regulator said, were anti-spoofing measures, auctioning digital radio broadcasting spectrum (DAB), and the first subsidy call for boosting the signal on trains. The DAB spectrum auction, which ended in February 2024 with the grant of block allocations to eight successful bidders, aims to promote rapid development of broadcasting networks to cover the population, territories and motorways.

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