Author Archive for Mirva Villa

DT makes 5G mmWave available for industrial customers

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IN : 5G commercial launch 5G trials

The 26 GHz band is available for commercial use for the first time in Germany.

Ericsson and 3 Denmark trial live sports broadcast over 5G standalone

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IN : 5G trials

A high-profile football match was broadcast at Danish Parken Stadium.

The Nordic’s largest orienteering event streamed over 5G network

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IN : 5G spectrum
TAGS:  #5G trial

Telecom operator Elisa used 5G network to broadcast the Jukola Relay race to the public.

Nokia CEO makes world’s first immersive voice and audio call

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IN : 5G trials Other

The new 3GPP Immersive Voice and Audio Services codec is part of the upcoming 5G Advanced standard.

Nokia’s report shows success for early 4G/5G private network trials

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IN : 5G strategy Other
TAGS:  #5G verticals

Nokia’s 2024 Industrial Digitalisation Report polled 100 companies on their private network use.

Hong Kong awards 26 GHz and 28 GHz

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IN : 5G auctions
TAGS:  #5G auction

The Office of the Communication Authority awarded mmWave spectrum for the provision of 5G services.

Deutsche Telekom sets up a private 5G network for EURO 2024

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IN : 5G trials Other
TAGS:  #5G verticals

RTL Deutschland will be the first media company in Germany to use its own 5G standalone network.

Poland opens 3.8–4.2 GHz to private networks

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IN : 5G spectrum 5G strategy
TAGS:  #5G verticals

The Polish regulator UKE has published its regulation for local enterprise networks.

Sweden completes spectrum auction

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IN : 5G auctions 5G spectrum
TAGS:  #5G auction

Three operators won frequencies in 900 MHz, 2.1 GHz and 2.6 GHz bands.

Large 5G testbed launches in Northern Ireland

Local technology consortium Smart Nano NI is leading this initiative.

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