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Harmonised technical conditions for the 26 GHz band

Technical conditions for the use of millimeter wave bands

July 2018 – Harmonised conditions for the introduction of 5G in the 26 GHz band.

Compatibility and protection, as appropriate, with all existing services in the same and adjacent frequency bands, in particular the protection of existing and future EESS/SRS earth stations should be addressed.

As a result, ECC PT1 developed the ECC Decision (18)06 setting the harmonised conditions for the introduction of 5G in the 26 GHz band. The ECC Decision (18)06 was approved on July 6th, 2018.

In addition, ECC PT1 has been tasked to develop “toolboxes” for national administrations to manage the coexistence of 5G with FS, with EESS/SRS and FSS Earth stations and to consider regulatory options for synchronisation in the band (target: October 2018).

In its report 68, the CEPT addresses sharing and compatibility conditions to ensure protections of incumbent users of spectrum in the 26 GHz (24.25-27.5 GHz) band, i.e. Earth Exploration Satellite Service (EESS), Space Research Service (SRS) and Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) earth stations and in adjacent bands passive EESS. CEPT intends to assess the evolution of WBB ECS system characteristics, including network deployments, within a 5-year timeframe, to be able to provide additional confidence that such evolution will continue to ensure the adequate protection of other services, in particular space services. A CEPT toolbox will provide information on how to manage coexistence issue at national level with fixed links. The possibility to continue to operate fixed links in the band on a shared basis with 5G will depend on the potential mitigation techniques, national coordination and the extent of 5G deployment, subject to market demand, particularly in less-populated and rural areas.

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