Public 5G funding
Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF): 130 billion EUR
Above all, the Covid-19 pandemic has shown the importance of resilient and very high broadband communications. 5G and digital applications are welcome, from healthcare to remote education, media, telework, retail and transport as everything that could has become virtual. The Covid-19 showed how connectivity is crucial in our lives and how coverage is key, including in non-urban areas.
Remote healthcare is one of the major use cases for 5G. In that sense, the coronavirus is very timely. It requires real-time UHD/VR/AR videos enabled by 5G through low latency, very high speeds and very high capacity. Monitoring, surveillance, detection and prevention of Covid-19 can be successful using cellular networks and IoT. In the media field, 5G very high data rates and low latencies can allow 4K or 8K HD live streaming or even AR/VR in affected areas. In the education field, with the remote classes in many countries, 5G enables high quality videos and VR/AR immersive classes. China Mobile is heavily involved solutions for remote learning. 5G is helpful in collecting real-time information on vehicles, monitoring connected vehicles. It is also crucial when transporting strongly affected patients. In the retail field, we all experienced the covid-19 consequences of panic buying and of supply chain disruption. Increased 5G, IoT, and AI would be helpful to avoid shortage of food in some areas.
That is why the Commission and Member States have identified 5G as a key area for investment for the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). In July 2020, Member States agreed on a recovery package to mitigate the effect of the crisis. The package is called NextGenerationEU (NGEU). It comprises 750 billion EUR in loans and grants to the EU Members. The NGEU will invest 672.5 billion EUR to the RRF of which 360 billion EUR will be loans and 312.5 billion EUR will be grants. 20% of the total budget (130 billion EUR) should be devoted to digital. Horizon Europe will get an additional 5 billion EUR. RRF will complement Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) and Digital Europe Programme strategic and R&D investments. In addition, many countries identified 5G as a key lever for recovery after the pandemic. In France, 5G is part of the “Plan de Relance” as a strategic field for the country. In Germany, 5G is seen as a key tool to speed up mobile coverage and reduce white spots.
Structural and investment Funds (ESIF): 6 billion EUR for digital networks
European Regional Fund (EFRD)
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) – Telecom Strand
- Broadband Fund (CEBF):
expected leverage of 1-1.7 billion EUR for broadband deployment in underserved areas
Investments between 1 million and 30 million EUR for projects representing total costs of up to 150 million EUR
Operational launch in 2018
- WiFi4EU Initiative
- 120 million EUR for equipment
European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI)
- Initiative launched to help overcome the current investment gap in the EU by mobilising private financing for strategic investments
- Up to now over 2.2 billion for NGA projects
The ESA Satellite 5G initiative (S45G)
The European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Space Industry joined forces in the field of Satellite for 5G. They are aiming at developing and demonstrating the added value that Satellite brings in the context of 5G. They indicate that satellite will bring added value in facilitating Pan-European and global coverage, resilience, mobility and security for the provision of 5G services and as enabler of innovative infrastructure and services. For that purpose, priority will be given to Verticals in which satellites can have a prominent role, such as transport, media and entertainment, public safety, without precluding additional relevant Verticals and use cases.
The ESA Satellite 5G initiative supports development activities falling within the following two activity types:
- Activity Type 1: Technology and Product Development & Validation Trials These activities relate to the development of 5G integrated satellite terrestrial system and/or its components.
- Activity Type 2: Applications development & Vertical Pilots These activities relate to the development and/or demonstration of applications and services based on 5G networks and space based systems, where potential users are involved in the pilots.
Information on funding mechanisms and proposals can be found here.
European Investment loans
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
EAFRD: € 26,740,085 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 69 801 914 ERDF: € 462 738 447 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 5.5 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 34 M |
By region | Austria – 34 M |
By operational programme | 014AT06RDNP001 – 27 M 2014HR16M1OP001 – National (046 – ICT) – 117 M |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Federal funds
(Extract from Source: https://ec.europa.eu/futurium/en/system/files/ged/at_country_analysis.pdf)
The Federal Government is expected to invest 3.4 billion EUR in R&D in 2017, of which a total of 627.7 million EUR is part of tax incentives for R&D for companies.
Overall expenditure on research and development in Austria for the year 2017 is expected to amount to 11.3 billion EUR. According to the “research moratorium” adopted in the Council of Ministers of 8.11.2016, Austria aims at increasing its research expenditures up to 3.76%of GDP. It is envisaged that a third of the increase will come from the public hand and two thirds can be leveraged by the private side. Around 100 million EUR are invested to increase the tax incentives for R&D from 10%to 12% in 2016 and up to 14% in 2018.
Research, Development and Innovation actions in Industry 4.0: 185 MEUR/year
bmvit invests 185 MEUR per year in research activities that are directly related to industry 4.0 technology fields (total budget for applied research: 500 MEUR/year.):
- 100 MEUR are directed to Material research (including smart materials and raw materials) and production research (including robotics).
- Industry 4.0 related ICT topics (applied research in areas such as “intelligent systems for automated driving”, “machine learning”, “security / interoperability, communication technologies (5G)).” are funded with approx. 85 MEUR.
Pilot factories and Testbeds
A pilot factory for science and industry at technical university (TU) of Vienna has been installed as a key component of the strategic focus of Industry 4.0.
In 11/2016 two other pilot factories have been announced. The Ministry of Infrastructure will pay half of the costs – up to two million EUR for three years.
Testbeds in Autonomous driving
Austria has started substantial investments in Automated driving in 2016 (bmvit: 20 MEUR by 2019). On the highways around Graz, test runs begin with cars that independently steer, brake and accelerate. T
In addition, Austria has started substantial investments in Automated driving in 2016 (bmvit: 20 MEUR by 2019). On the highways around Graz, test runs begin with cars that independently steer, brake and accelerate.
Other regions also prepare test tracks for autonomous driving. For example, urban autonomous mobility is tested through a self-propelled bus in Vienna. By the end of June 2017, a test region in the area of Linz-Wels-Steyr with “DigiTrans” was prepared. Commercial and special vehicles are in the focus here. In the province of Salzburg and in Niederösterreich, test regions for rural areas are being prepared.

Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 27 475 734 ERDF: € 686 356 577 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 5.2 million |
Federal Funds
(Extract from https://ec.europa.eu/futurium/en/system/files/ged/be_country_analysis.pdf)
Flanders: Over 50 MEUR/year
A detailed analysis of the investments in smart manufacturing industries or new digital activities in Flanders will be carried out in the next months.
It is estimated that the funding from Flanders for activities related to Industry 4.0 exceeds at least 50 million EUR/year. In 2016 the Flemish government budget for scientific research (R&D) was 1398 million EUR. The total R&D&I budget from the Flemish government will grow to 2217 million EUR. The budget for innovation was increased with 175 million EUR in 2017. The government announced in September 2017 that budget for innovation in 2018 will be increased with another 75 million EUR.
Cluster policy introduced in 2017 new instruments for Spearhead Clusters (up to 50% of the budget, and max 500.000 EUR a year over a ten year period) and Innovative Company Networks (up to 50% for coordination costs and cluster activities of maximum 150.000 EUR a year during maximum three years).
Wallonia: 2.9 billion EUR for 2015-2019
The Government elected in 2014 updated in May 2015 this strategy to ‘Plan Marshall 4.0’. The Plan will mobilise 2.9 billion EUR public investments in the period 2015-2019 on five priority axes: human capital development; industry development by innovation; territorial development; circular economy. The fifth, new priority axis is ‘digital innovation’, with a budget of 250 million EUR.
This fifth priority on digital innovation in the Marshall Plan 4.0 was translated end of 2015 in a strategy for digitalisation, ‘Digital Wallonia’. The Digital Wallonia strategy with its 50 measures managed through the Digital Agency is endowed with a total budget of 500 million EUR for the period 2015-2020 (with an important contribution from ERDF).
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
EAFRD: € 30 000 000 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 52 465 810 ERDF: € 581 613 303 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 1.5 million |
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
ERDF: € 362 297 271 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 29 509 804 ERDF: € 782 108 440 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
CF: € 1 012 253 451 ERDF: € 470 588 240 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 4.3 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 204 M |
By region | Hrvatska – 204 M |
By operational programme | 2014HR16M1OP001 – National (045 – ICT) – 86 M 2014HR16M1OP001 – National (046 – ICT) – 117 M |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
EAFRD: € 600 000 ERDF: € 64 117 648 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 3 000 000 ERDF: € 82 352 942 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
CF: € 40 300 000 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 5 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 19 M |
By region | Kypros– 19M (047 – ICT) |
By operational programme | 2014CY16M1OP001 – National |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
ERDF: € 1 549 427 104 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 154 757 364 ERDF: € 4 150 410 917 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
CF: € 4 220 019 199 ERDF: € 3 166 421 712 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 3.5 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 521 M |
By region | Jihovychod – 95 M (046 – ICT) Severovychod – 85 M (046 – ICT) Stredni Cechy – 74 M (046 – ICT) Stredni Morava – 69 M (046 – ICT) Jihozapad – 68 M (046 – ICT) Moravskoslezsko – 68 M (046 – ICT) Severozapad – 63 M (046 – ICT) |
By operational programme | 2014CZ16RFOP001 – Multi-regional |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Federal Funds
(Extract from https://ec.europa.eu/futurium/en/system/files/ged/cz_country_analysis.pdf)
The total expenditure on R&D in the Czech Republic in 2014 reached 85.1 billion CZK (3.3 billion EUR), which represents 2% of the GDP. Of this volume spent on R&D, 69% was used to realise applied research and experimental research and 31% for realisation of basic research.
OP PIK (Operational Program for Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Competitiveness), with a total allocation of 120 billion CZK (4.5 billion EUR), is to become a key financial instrument immediately available for kick-starting and applying Industry 4.0 in the current programming period. Programmes particularly appropriate here are Application, Potential, Innovation Vouchers, Infrastructure Services, Cooperation, Knowledge Transfer Partnership, Pre-Commercial Public Procurement, Proof of Concept, ICT and Shared Services and then High-Speed Internet, where the situation.

Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 32 944 662 ERDF: € 169 173 527 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 6.2 million |
Federal Funds
No specific funding for 5G so far (https://di.dk/english/news/pages/di-send-more-5g-funding-to-denmark.aspx)
(Extract from https://ec.europa.eu/futurium/en/system/files/ged/dk_country_analysis.pdf)
At the time of this report no details on investments in the new Digital Growth Plan were available. In the vision of Digital Growth Panel the new government strategy can have unlocked DKK 90 bn (€12 bn) by 2025 within the five selected sectors with the most potential in connection with the digital transition. These recommendations do not not include estimates on the investments needed to achieve the value impacts. But the recommendations anticipate measures for favourable climate for digital investments and access to capital and financing, by promoting investment by SMEs in digital transition and a review of tax depreciation rules for digital investments and deductible development costs. Other instruments for promoting investments of SMEs) are the Danish Growth Fund and the Market Development Fund. It was decided that budgets for publicly funded R&D will be cut by 2% each of the next four years. However, public R&D is still projected to be close to 1%. The Innovation Fund Denmark is the major public lever for new innovation driven investment (annual budget of DKK 1.6 billion or €210 million), with specific actions on digitising (such as the MADE Digital, with DKK 79 million or €10.61 million).
- The Innovation Fund Denmark (created in 2013 from the merger of three specific innovation agencies) is the unique agency responsible for translating ideas, knowledge and technology to the benefit of growth and employment and solutions to societal challenges. Innovation Fund Denmark invests in 2017 DKK 1.2 billion (€0.161 bn) in the innovation value chain covering: applied research, experimental development and demonstration and market development.
- FORSK2025 (RESEARCH2025) is a catalogue, published in June 2017, which provides a consolidated overview of the most promising research areas in the future seen from the perspective of private companies, organisations, ministries, knowledge institutions etc. as a basis of prioritisation for the strategic research. FORSK2025 must form the reference for future investments in research to be based on sound knowledge about the research needs of society and the new opportunities that research can lead to. In FORSK2025, a total of 19 prominent research topics are identified within four main areas: New Technological Options; Green Growth; Better Health; People and Society. Two most relevant research themes are: ‘Denmark as a digital pioneer country’ and ‘Future production’. This catalogue provides must be used as a technical basis for political priorities of strategic research funds – last year, the parliament voted for more than 500 million (€ 67.2 mio).
National Budget (ICT) |
ERDF: € 99 336 443 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 28 900 000 ERDF: € 1 077 196 764 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
CF: € 577 377 186 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 3.5 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 43 M |
By region | Eesti – 43 M (045 – ICT) |
By operational programme | 2014EE16M3OP001 – National |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Structural Funds
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
EAFRD: € 30 000 000 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 194 240 000 ERDF: € 618 880 824 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 6.8 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 0.5 M |
By region | Pohjois – Ja Itä-Suomi – 0.5 M (046 – ICT) Länsi-Suomi – 0.5 M (046 – ICT) |
By operational programme | 2014TC16RFTN004 – Transnational |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Federal Funds
Business Finland: 467 MEUR of which 200 MEUR for 5G
Business Finland(formerly Tekes) is a publicly funded expert organisation for financing research, development and innovation in Finland with 467 MEUR of funding in 2016 (including 6 MEUR from EU structural funds) for 3,760 projects (List here).
Business Finland pushes the 5thGear program with 200 MEUR funding for 2015-2019. Objectives of the 5th Gear Programme are:
- Piloting and demonstration driven worldclass 5G research
- Cross-industry collaboration, innovation and utilization
- Global competiveness, new business opportunities and international investments
5G Test Network Finland (5GTNF): public and private funds
5G Test Network Finland (5GTNF) coordinates and combines the research and technology development activities from the 5G infrastructures built under Business Finland’s 5thGear programme. 5GTNF is a joint effort from industry, academia and Finnish government with global manufacturers such as Nokia, Ericsson, Huawei, Coriant and Intel as well as internationally recognized research organizations like VTT, University of Oulu, University of Helsinki, Tampere University of Technology and Aalto University.
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
EAFRD: € 35 301 641 ERDF: € 2 189 370 883 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 328 489 664 ERDF: € 3 464 222 888 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
ERDF: € 875 344 016 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 5.9 millionCEF telecom |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 587 M |
By region | Bretagne – 79 M (047 – ICT) Bourgogne – 30 M (046 – ICT) Réunion – 55 M (047 – ICT) Guadeloupe – 44 M
Guyane – 31 M
Poitou-Charentes – 35 M (046 – ICT)
Centre – 30 M (046 – ICT)
Languedoc – Roussillon – 21 M (047 – ICT)
Picardie – 20 M (046 – ICT)
Basse-Normandie – 18 M
Limousin – 17 M (046 – ICT)
Auvergne – 13 M (047 – ICT)
Midi-Pyrénées – 5 M (046 – ICT)
By operational programme | 2014FR16RFOP006 – Regional 2014FR16M0OP001 – Regional 2014FR16M0OP002 – Regional 2014FR16M0OP003 – Regional 2014FR16M0OP004 – Regional 2014FR16M0OP006 – Regional 2014FR16M0OP007 – Multi-regional 2014FR16M0OP008 – Regional 2014FR16M0OP009 – Regional 2014FR16M0OP011 – Regional 2014FR16M2OP001 – Regional 2014FR16M2OP002 – Regional 2014FR16M2OP003 – Regional 2014FR16M2OP004 – Regional 2014FR16M2OP007 – Multi-regional 2014FR16M2OP008 – Regional 2014FR16M2OP009 – Regional 2014FR16M2OP010 – Regional 2014FR16M2OP011 – Regional 2014FR16M2OP012 – Regional 2014FR05M2OP001 – Regional |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Federal Funds
(extract from https://ec.europa.eu/futurium/en/system/files/ged/fr_country_analysis.pdf)
The investments that are directed to the digitisation of industry are distributed among many instruments.
The public budget expenditure for R&D (GBOARD)
It has decreased from 17.5 to 14 billion EUR between 2009 and 2016, but the fiscal expenditure has increased since the reform of the ‘Crédit Impôt Recherche’ (CIR) in 2008, allowing companies to benefit from a tax reduction for a large range of research related spending.
The tax credit covers up to 30% of R&D expenses. The foregone revenue due to R&D tax credit has passed to €5,600M in 2013. The new government has decided to maintain the CIR at a high level. In addition to the CIR, other R&D tax incentives have been developed in France such as the innovation tax credit (Crédit Impôt Innovation, 2013).
Grand Plan d’Investissement: 57 billion EUR
The Grand Plan d’Investissement 2018-2022(Great Investment Plan) has 4 major investment priorities:
- Accelerating the ecological transition: 20 billion EUR will be dedicated mainly to the energy transition (among these the energy efficiency in buildings). Smart solutions will require digital technologies and application.
- Building a society of competences: 15 billion EUR invested in people (vocational training), among other things to train 1 million of non-employed and 1 million of young drop-outs. This will be connected with the skills agenda for digitisation.
- Anchoring competitiveness in innovation: 13 billion EUR is budgeted for new initiatives such as consolidation of world-level integrated universities (3,5 billion EUR); supporting new research priorities such as artificial intelligence, exploitation of big data, nanotechnologies or cybersecurity and the accompaniment of sectors in transformation (4,6 billion EUR); modernisation of agriculture, fisheries and agri-food (5 billion EUR). There is a prominent place for digital technologies.
- Constructing the state of the digital age: 9 billion EUR is allocated for digital transformation of public services, in particular 4.9 billion EUR for digitisation of health and social protection services.
The public investment bank BPI France is playing more and more a central role in the management of innovation aid. It has been endowed in 2013 with a fund of 21 billion EUR. In 2016 additional development funds at BPI were oriented towards large projects ( “French Tech initiative”, “French Tech Accélération and Large Venture Funds”) in some specific areas : health, digital, and environment (a 600MEUR fund with 10 MEUR tickets). French Tech is an initiative launched by the French government to promote French startups in France and abroad. It has several components. The promotional labelling of “French Tech concerns 13 metropolises in France in the provinces. Paris as a world class metropolis is outside this classification. In addition, startups are also grouped into thematic networks throughout the country. Finally, networks of French startups abroad have been labelled as “French Tech Hubs” in 22 cities around the world. In addition to this, the French Tech initiative also includes a French Tech Acceleration Fund managed by BPI France for equity investments with an endowment of 200 million EUR. Finally, French Tech awards grants of between 10 000 and 30 000 EUR as seed money.
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
EAFRD: € 380 611 081 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 308 039 186 ERDF: € 6 119 084 561 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 10.4 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 138 M |
By region | Mecklenburg-Vorpommern – 15 M (046 – ICT) Saarland – 3 M (046 – ICT) Sachsen – 80 M (047 – ICT) Sachsen-Anhalt – 40 M (046 – ICT) |
By operational programme | 2014DE16RFOP008 – Regional 2014DE16RFOP011 – Regional 2014DE16RFOP012 – Regional 2014DE16RFOP013– Regional |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Federal Funds
(Extract from https://ec.europa.eu/futurium/en/system/files/ged/de_country_analysis.pdf)
Autonomous Systems
The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) is funding applied research programs in the area of autonomous systems that have a close relation to Industry 4.0.
The Autonomics program (2009-2014, 15 projects, 55 MEUR)
The Autonomics program (2009-2014, 15 projects, 55 MEUR) was about forward-looking approaches to the development of a new generation of smart tools and systems that are capable of autonomous action – i. e. of networking with each other independently via the internet, maintaining situational awareness, adapting to changing operational conditions, and interacting with users. The program primarily focused on applications in the logistics and transport sector as well as in service robotics. The outcomes and findings of these projects formed an important basis for a successor program entitled “Autonomics for Industry 4.0”
“Autonomics for Industry 4.0” (2013-2017, 16 projects, 44 MEUR)
“Autonomics for Industry 4.0” (2013-2017, 16 projects, 44 MEUR) used state-of-the-art ICT to reduce the amount of energy required in manufacturing processes, whilst also aiming to make these processes more environmentally friendly and efficient in terms of material wear. Another aim of the program was to foster the development of a highly flexible production infrastructure that is able to respond to customer demands for highly individualized products (batch size 1). In turn, this intends to stimulate the development of innovative premium-level products (e.g. service robots) that offer particular benefits, added value, and are thus highly attractive for users from the various industry sectors and for consumers alike. In addition to focussing on technological developments, Autonomics also dealt with important issues across multiple sectors, including law, human-machine interaction, industrial service robotics, and reference architectures for autonomous systems. Six sets of guidelines have been published based on the outcomes of the projects.
“Platforms, Additive Manufacturing, Imaging, Communication, Engineering – PaiCE” (2016-2021, 14 projects, 46 MEUR),
- In the current technology program “Platforms, Additive Manufacturing, Imaging, Communication, Engineering – PaiCE” (2016-2021, 14 projects, 46 MEUR), new solutions spanning several links of the value chain are developed and tested by interconnecting different technology fields. For instance, innovative technologies and methods are developed, which open up new possibilities for universal product engineering and for correlating this with production processes. Dynamic process optimization also means the implementation of innovative logistics solutions in a highly agile manner so that these may be adapted fast to changing market requirements or unforeseeable events. 3D technologies offer new possibilities in the development and optimization of products, in process monitoring and in quality assurance. These far-reaching integration processes require appropriately designed communication networks that are specially designed for requirements in the industrial environment. These include high scalability, availability, realtime capability and high security in terms of credibility and integrity. Service robotics also plays a significant role in the automation of industrial production. The development of service robotics for wide low-cost industrial use, especially for SMEs, is a core objective of PAiCE.
“PAiCE”, the lighthouse project “Industrial Communication for Factories”
As part of the BMWi program “PAiCE”, the lighthouse project “Industrial Communication for Factories” – IC4F78 (March 2017-June 2020; 18.3 MEUR budget, 10 M BMWi funding) aims at the development of secure, robust and real-time communication solutions for the processing industry. By mid-2020, 15 project partners from industry and research will develop a technology kit for a trustworthy industrial communications and computing infrastructure based on an open architecture that extends across domains and allows a modular extension for new applications and communication technologies. Key technologies from the areas of 5G, multi-access edge computing (MEC), cloud computing, virtualization, as well as industrial monitoring and analytics are used. The technology kit is intended to enable users to select the right ICT technologies, according to the new Industry 4.0 requirements and the specific migration approach.
Broadband and 5G
- 100 MEUR from the “Gigabit Germany Initiative for the Future”
- 80 MEUR from the “5G Initiative for Germany”
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
EAFRD: € 84 074 580 ERDF: € 1 006 552 691 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 209 592 208 ERDF: € 1 201 326 749 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
CF: € 980 932 725 ERDF: € 2 119 279 040 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 6.6 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 254 M |
By region | Anatoliki Makedonia kai Thraki – 15 M (046 – ICT) Attiki – 90 M (046 – ICT) Dytiki Ellada
Dytiki Makedonia – 7.5 M (046 – ICT)
Kentriki Makedonia – 45 M (046 – ICT) |
By operational programme | 2014GR16M2OP001 – National 2014TC16RFCB020 – Transnational |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
ERDF: € 783 046 467 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 96 626 883 ERDF: € 2 529 235 319 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
CF: € 3 177 304 648 ERDF: € 742 469 740 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 2.9 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 394 M |
By region | Dél – Alföld – 73 M (046 – ICT) Dél – Dunántúl – 52 M (046 – ICT) Észak – Alföld – 85 M (046 – ICT) Észak – Magyarország – 67 M (046 – ICT) Közep – Dunántúl – 61 M (046 – ICT) Nyugat – Dunántúl – 67 M (046 – ICT) |
By operational programme | 2014HU16M0OP001 – Multi-regional |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Federal Funds
(Extract fromhttps://ec.europa.eu/futurium/en/system/files/ged/hu_country_analysis.pdf)
For the implementation of IPAR 4.0 a number of specific funds have been made available. There is a public funding model behind IPAR 4.0 comprising a mixture of different public financial instruments. As part of the wider EPIC CoE project (EPIC CoE), IPAR 4.0 National Platform is financed by the same financial sources. The Horizon2020 grant of more than 10.8 million EUR (around 3.26 billion HUF) awarded through the Horizon 2020 framework programme represents the key financial instrument of the project. Major financial contributions were also made by the NRDI Office (National Research, Development and Innovation Office) (3.6 million EUR) and GINOP. The entire budget of the EPIC CoE, including voluntary in-kind contributions from participating stakeholders accounts for 21.7 million EUR (6.5 billion HUF). The Centre of Excellence in Production Informatics and Control (EPIC CoE) was established with the objective to be a leading, internationally acknowledged and sustainable focus point in its field, representing excellence in research, development and innovation related to Cyber-Physical Production (CPP). The big challenges of the new technological era when information and communication technologies are fundamentally transforming and revolutionizing production will be responded by concentrating the multidisciplinary, partly overlapping, partly complementary competences of CoE partners from Hungary, Germany and Austria. The mission of EPIC CoE – as a leading-edge knowledge centre of cyber-physical production systems – is to accelerate innovation, realize industrial solutions, train new generations of highly qualified professionals and support the development of a sustainable and competitive European manufacturing ecosystem.
Those funds that should support the operation of the Hungarian Industry 4.0 Platform will be complemented by the resources made available through national research and innovation programmes that contribute to the strengthening of digital skills, innovation infrastructures, testbed and digital technologies.
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
ERDF: € 150 000 000 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 70 300 000 ERDF: € 284 000 000 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 4.9 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 75 M |
By region | Border and Midland and Western – 45.5 M (046 – ICT) Southern and Eastern – 30.5 M (046 – ICT) |
By operational programme | 2014IE16RFOP001 – Regional 2014IE16RFOP002 – Regional 2014TC16RFTN004 – Transnational |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Federal Funds
(Extract fromhttps://ec.europa.eu/futurium/en/system/files/ged/hu_country_analysis.pdf)
For the implementation of IPAR 4.0 a number of specific funds have been made available. There is a public funding model behind IPAR 4.0 comprising a mixture of different public financial instruments. As part of the wider EPIC CoE project (EPIC CoE), IPAR 4.0 National Platform is financed by the same financial sources. The Horizon2020 grant of more than 10.8 million EUR (around 3.26 billion HUF) awarded through the Horizon 2020 framework programme represents the key financial instrument of the project. Major financial contributions were also made by the NRDI Office (National Research, Development and Innovation Office) (3.6 million EUR) and GINOP. The entire budget of the EPIC CoE, including voluntary in-kind contributions from participating stakeholders accounts for 21.7 million EUR (6.5 billion HUF). The Centre of Excellence in Production Informatics and Control (EPIC CoE) was established with the objective to be a leading, internationally acknowledged and sustainable focus point in its field, representing excellence in research, development and innovation related to Cyber-Physical Production (CPP). The big challenges of the new technological era when information and communication technologies are fundamentally transforming and revolutionizing production will be responded by concentrating the multidisciplinary, partly overlapping, partly complementary competences of CoE partners from Hungary, Germany and Austria. The mission of EPIC CoE – as a leading-edge knowledge centre of cyber-physical production systems – is to accelerate innovation, realize industrial solutions, train new generations of highly qualified professionals and support the development of a sustainable and competitive European manufacturing ecosystem.
Those funds that should support the operation of the Hungarian Industry 4.0 Platform will be complemented by the resources made available through national research and innovation programmes that contribute to the strengthening of digital skills, innovation infrastructures, testbed and digital technologies.
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
EAFRD: € 582 263 196 ERDF: € 2 591 863 023 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 856 762 246 ERDF: € 6 128 622 679 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
ERDF: € 3 438 995 788 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 11.6 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 890 M |
By region | Abruzzo
Bolzano – 11 M (047 – ICT)
Emilia-Romagna – 13 M (047 – ICT)
Lombardia – 10 M (047 – ICT)
Umbria – 8 M (047 – ICT) |
By operational programme | 2014IT16RFOP003 – Multi-regional 2014IT16RFOP004 – Regional 2014IT16RFOP022 – Regional 2014IT16RFOP005 – Regional 2014IT16RFOP007 – Regional 2014IT16RFOP008 – Regional 2014IT16RFOP010– Regional 2014IT16RFOP011 – Regional 2014IT16RFOP012 – Regional 2014IT16RFOP013 – Regional 2014IT16RFOP014 – Regional 2014IT16RFOP015 – Regional 2014IT16RFOP016 – Regional 2014IT16RFOP017 – Regional 2014IT16RFOP019 – Regional 2014IT16RFOP020 – Regional 2014IT16M2OP006 – Regional 2014IT16M2OP002 – Regional 2014TC16RFCB020 – Trans-national |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
ERDF: € 203 275 093 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 30 108 224 ERDF: € 30 108 224 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
ERDF: € 277 032 428 CF: € 1 087 405 057 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 4 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 44 M |
By region | Latvija – 44 M (046 – ICT) |
By operational programme | 2014LV16MAOP001 – National |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
EAFRD: € 4 431 200 ERDF: € 222 396 806 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 26 806 964 ERDF: € 798 680 983 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
ERDF: € 459 559 075 CF: € 929 242 482 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 3.5 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 44 M |
By region | Lietuva
By operational programme | 2014LT16MAOP001 – National |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Federal Funds
- “Intellect” („Intelektas. Bendri mokslo–verslo projektai“) aims at encouraging companies to invest in R&D activities for the development of new products, services or processes as well as to invest in R&D infrastructure and certify newly created products. The program is divided in two sub-programs. One is designed for young innovative companies (funding maximum 400.000 EUR), the other addresses mature innovative companies (funding maximum: 4.4 M EUR). The budget for the call 2017 is EUR 100.000.000 (30M for start-ups; 70M for mature innovators), financed through the European Union Funds Investment Facility; Operational Program No. J05-LVPA-K. Projects must meet priority areas defined in national Smart Specialization Strategy. The measure has been started in 2015. In 2017, a first call has been published in June; and a second phase has been announced for November 2017.
- Another initiative to stimulate innovation activities in businesses is the Innovation Voucher program. The vouchers entitle companies to buy R&D services or use expertise maintained at research institutions. The appeal of Innovation Vouchers is related to its simplicity and low administrative burden both for beneficiaries and administrators. In Lithuania, there are two types of activities supported under the scheme: 1) early stage R&D, and 2) preparation of technical feasibility studies. Companies may choose a service from a list which includes nearly 2500 R&D services of different types. Since the scheme is designed to encourage R&D activities in companies, all private legal entities are eligible applicants. Applicants may get funding for up to 70%of total project eligible costs. The allocated budget for this measure is 10.1 M EUR.
- A Digital Innovation Hub from the Lithuanian Robotics Association and partner enterprises (Vilnius, candidate)
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
ERDF: € 22 914 949 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 2.8 million |
Federal Funds
- Digital Tech Fund, established by the Ministry of Economy in 2016, is a seed fund created together with a group of private investors to support the funding and development of start-up companies in the field of ICT. This fund is part of the strategy ‘Digital Lëtzebuerg’, to support start-up ICT companies, and complete the national ecosystem favourable to the development of young innovative companies in the field of ICT. The state participates in the fund with a budget of 5 million EUR; other investors contribute a total of 15.33 million EUR, of which 3 million are from the National Credit and Investment Company (SNCI) and one million EUR from the University of Luxembourg.
- The Government is exploring setting up a 5G technology testbed in Luxembourg. Luxembourg wants to create “a 25km-long testbed” along Luxembourg motorways in order to start testing self-driving cars.
- GER – FR Cross-border test bed for automated driving In February 2017, the federal Minister of Transport Alexander Dobrindt and his French colleague Alain Vidalies have agreed to set up a German-French digital test best. The test track will start in Merzig / Saarland and lead across Saarbrücken to Metz. In particular, the communication of vehicles will be tested. In addition, computer-assisted overtaking as well as threading and braking will be precisely tested. Consistent traffic warning services and the cross-border operation of the eCall emergency call system are also the focus of the test. The Luxembourgish Government is currently working on joining this project.
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
ERDF: € 38 435 400 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 20 188 509 ERDF: € 72 066 375 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
ERDF: € 35 504 700 CF: € 89 658 516 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 2.2 million |
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 52 800 000 ERDF: € 930 669 438 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 8.6 million |
Federal Funds
Budget for innovation promotion: 1,750 MEUR in 2017
- Generic innovation policy in 2016: 1,200 MEUR (of which 2/3 goes to SMEs and 300 MEUR or 25% for ICT).
- Specific innovation policy (Top Knowledge and Innovation or TKI Top-up, MIT or SME Innovation Promotion of the Top-Sectors, contributions to JTI etc.) there was 134 million EUR for subsidies available in 2015. In addition, there are contributions to knowledge institutes such as TNO and execution agencies for more than 650 million EUR.
Loan guaranties for 1,700 MEUR (Netherlands Investment Agency and Dutch Venture Initiative)
Future Fund for extra impulses, such as investments in research facilities and infrastructures with interest free loans.
- Besides enterprise policy the funding of public research is a direct source of investment for digital transformation. These budgets are managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. In 2016 there was 3.3 billion EUR for fundamental research. The amount for applied research was quite lower, with 390 million. Part of it was going to Top Sector policy.
- For the future the government anticipates an increase of private R&D in the TKI budgets. The original target for 2020 of in total 500 million EUR of TKI investment (and 40% of private funding) has been raised to 800 million EUR. But in 2015 the budget was already more than 1 billion with 48% private funding. The new PPP Top-up will continue granting an extra 25% budget for research to be conducted by public research institutes in the framework of the TKI programmes and projects.
ICT: 40 MEUR for PPPs managed by an Team ICT, public budget for KIA ICT: 19 MEUR/year
A ‘Team ICT’ stimulates ICT innovation with and across Top Sectors and promote new PPPs in strategic areas. The Team ICT is composed of heavy-weights from business (the presidents of the general employer federation and of the ICT sector federation) and research and government. The first task of the Team was to develop a joint Knowledge and Innovation Agenda ICT 2016 – 2019. This domain is endowed with 40 million EUR by the government for PPPs. The second action was the preparation of a PPP for Big Data (Commit2Data) to do research on data analytics that provides solutions in the domains of energy (smart grids), care (prevention, diagnostics, personalised care and nutrition), cybersecurity and smart industry (production and maintenance). Commit2Data also offers opportunities to SMEs to gain experience with data analytics. The public budget for KIA ICT is about 19 million EUR a year in 2016 and 17 (part of KIA HTSM, High-Tech Systems and Material).
The Team established the community platform Dutch Digital Delta. The Knowledge and Innovation Agenda has been renewed for the period 2018-2021and translated in an ICT Action Plancontaining five subjects with cross-sectoral impact: big data, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, blockchain and 5G communication. The Blockchain Coalition, another PPP initiative of the Team ICT, promotes large-scale roll-out of blockchain technology in the Netherlands (in particular in the logistics sector).
Top sectors: 15 MEUR/year
The Top Sector policy evolved over different stages of institutionalisation and policy learning to a broader PPP policy (with top sectors as core). They benefit from specific support mechanism (top-up for joint research and SME innovation support instrument – MIT). These financial means are not very large (less than 150 million EUR/year for all sectors), but its main merit has been a better alignment of research programming between research organisations and a clear demand-led approach (Top-ups only for public research that has private funding as a basis). The Top-sector approach received recently a positive evaluation. The specific governance: by ‘Top Teams’ has brought a new dynamics of aligning public research agendas with industry. There is a need although for thematic renewal and more cross-overs. The new Knowledge and Innovation Agendas 2018-2020 will be along lines of societal challenges and key technologies instead of sectoral lines. The ICT agenda has been instrumental in developing the more cross-sectoral approach.
The HTSM sector is one of the 9 Top sectors: 500 MEUR (of which 19 MEUR/year for KIA ICT)
The high-tech sector in the Netherlands stands for € 2,2 billon EUR (2014) or about of 50% of total Business R&D. About 500 million EUR is invested in PPPs, matched by about the same amount by the public sector.
TNO: 2600 professionals
TNO is the biggest Research and Technology Organisation of the Dutch government, employing more than 2600 professionals. Its develops applied research in 5 societal focus areas: industry; urbanisation; healthy living; energy; defence, safety and security. With these smart industry concepts TNO works on digitising of production processes, products and systems. TNO combines data integration (big data, artificial intelligence), adding smart function (sensors, user interfaces, Internet of Things), and new applications of 5G wireless networks and new transaction methods between systems (Blockchain).
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
ERDF: € 3 723 641 710 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 142 998 705 ERDF: € 9 802 803 231 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
CF: € 17 108 325 743 ERDF: € 10 982 034 510 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 3.9 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 1,020 M |
By region | Dolnoslaskie – 77 M (046 – ICT) Kujawsko-Pomorskie – 56 M (046 – ICT) Lodzkie – 66 M (046 – ICT) Lubelskie – 84 M (046 – ICT) Malopolskie – 89 M (046 – ICT) Mazowieckie – 226 M (046 – ICT) Opolskie – 26 M (046 – ICT) Podkarpackie – 56 M (046 – ICT) Podlaskie – 31 M (046 – ICT) Pomorskie – 61 M (046 – ICT) Slaskie – 122 M (046 – ICT) Swietokrzyskie –33 M (046 – ICT) Warminsko-Mazurskie – 39 M (046 – ICT) Wielkopolskie – 92 M (046 – ICT) Zachodniopomorskie – 45 M (046 – ICT) |
By operational programme | 2014PL16RFOP002 – National |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Federal Funds
The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) is the implementing agency of the Minister of Science and Higher Education.
In July 2017, the Center has placed a call for experts to set up a strategic program “INFOSTRATEG”19 – “Strategic Research and Development Program for Advanced Technology in Information, Telecommunications and Mechatronics”. The Strategic Program will support high-budget R & D projects within the following five strategic research areas (lines) identified by the NCBR Council Strategic Programs Commission:
- Area 1: Image processing with a particular focus on satellite imagery
- Area 2: IT methods in personalized medicine, diagnostics, therapy and chemo informatics.
- Area 3: Machine learning in robotics, with an emphasis on autonomous device control.
- Area 4: Cyber security for citizens, businesses and administrators.
- Area 5: Intelligent control, management and communications systems.
The task of the experts will be to develop proposals for the program’s objectives (3 experts per area).
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
ERDF: € 347 690 811 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 66 325 667 ERDF: € 3 499 270 890 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
CF: € 716 470 589 ERDF: € 294 117 648 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 5.2 million |
Federal Funds
No specific fund for ICT or 5G.
An initiative for four key industry verticals. The national initiative Portugal i4.0 presented in January 2017 is part of the National Strategy for the Digitalization of the Economy. Four fields of business are prioritised: fashion and retail, Automotive, Tourism, Agri-food. The total investment is 414 million EUR (100% supported by EU funds) and up to 2.26 billion EUR in incentives, via Portugal 2020, for the development of awareness and adoption of technologies associated with the Industry 4.0 concept, in the next four years.
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
ERDF: € 630 199 748 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 103 613 425 ERDF: € 1 188 491 001 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
CF: € 4 539 007 093 ERDF: € 3 285 377 939 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 4.5 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 1,020 M |
By region | |
By operational programme | 2014RO16RFOP001 – National |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
EAFRD: € 27 000 000 ERDF: € 927 155 226 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 52 500 000 ERDF: € 2 940 193 373 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
CF: € 2 714 281 374 ERDF: € 1 410 022 390 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 3.9 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 98 M |
By region | |
By operational programme | 2014SK16M1OP001 – National |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
EAFRD: € 10 000 000 ERDF: € 57 166 201 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 30 830 500 ERDF: € 594 673 949 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
CF: € 262 461 506 ERDF: € 135 005 621 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 3.4 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 50 M |
By region | Slovenija – 50 M (047 – ICT) |
By operational programme | 2014SI16MAOP001 – National |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
EAFRD: €32 330 000 ERDF: € 3 259 545 730 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 404 180 675 ERDF: € 404 180 675 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
ERDF: € 2 790 610 607 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 11.9 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 420 M |
By region | |
By operational programme | 2014ES16RFOP001 – National 2014ES16RFOP003 – Regional 2014ES16RFOP004 – Regional 2014ES16RFOP006 – Regional 2014ES16RFOP007 – Regional 2014ES16RFOP009 – Regional 2014ES16RFOP010 – Regional 2014ES16RFOP011 – Regional 2014ES16RFOP013 – Regional 2014ES16RFOP014 – Regional 2014ES16RFOP019 – Regional |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Federal Funds
A total of 1.92 billion of national funding for 3 objectives
Objective 1 is designed to drive research, technological development and innovation, with a provision of 2.89 billion EUR of ERDF aid and 1.43 of national funding.
Objective 2 aims to enhance the use and quality of and access to information and communication technologies, 748 MEUR of ERDF aid and 352 MEUR of national funding
Objective 3, designed to improve the competitiveness of SMEs benefits from 269 MEUR of ERDF aid and 133 MEUR of national funding.

Through the operational programme the Ministry of economy, Industry and Competitiveness yearly mobilises 2.5 billion EUR:
- 309 MEUR on talent mobilization. The objective is to encourage training, specialization, insertion employment and mobility of human resources in R + D + i. The actions included are intended to finance, through calls in competitive competition, recruitment both in the public R + D + i sector and in the business sector.
- 183 MEUR in Scientific research excellence to encourage the generation of knowledge both scientific and technological, without previously defined thematic orientation, contributing to advance the frontier of knowledge as well as the development of emerging technologies. The necessary aspects for the development of said activities are considered international scientific-technical collaboration and the acquisition of scientific-technical infrastructures and equipment for the execution of said activities. It is integrated by three subprograms:
generation of knowledge
Institutional strengthening
Techno-scientific infrastructures and equipment
- 493 MEUR in Research & Innovation Industrial excellence. The main objective of this programme is to ensure that Spanish companies increase their competitiveness through the generation and incorporation of knowledge, technologies and innovations aimed at improving processes and creating products and technologically advanced services with greater benefit. The actions of this PROGRAM are aimed at:
- boosting the capacity of execution of R & D activities by business agents;
- facilitate the development and subsequent dissemination and adoption of key technologies, of a transversal nature and whose applications in the rest of the manufacturing and services sectors of the Spanish economy decisively contribute to the modernization of the business sector and its competitiveness and
- 493 MEUR in Research & Innovation Industrial excellence. The main objective of this programme is to ensure that Spanish companies increase their competitiveness through the generation and incorporation of knowledge, technologies and innovations aimed at improving processes and creating products and technologically advanced services with greater benefit. The actions of this PROGRAM are aimed at:
- promote public-private collaboration as a result of the early identification of the business interest of the results of R & D & I derived from the activities of public research agents and other public R & D centres and private, thereby promoting the transfer and circulation of knowledge scientific-technical and its multiple applications.
It integrates three sub-programs:
- Enterprise R & D+I
- Impulse to facilitating technology enablers
- Promotion of R&D +I for the demands of the productive fabric
- 5 billion EUR in the area of research and Innovation for societal challenges. This programme aims to:
Stimulate the generation of a critical mass in R & D & I of interdisciplinary nature and necessary to move forward in the search for solutions in accordance with the priorities established in each of the Challenges.
Promote a close relationship between scientific and technical research, development of new technologies and the business application of new ideas and techniques, and medium and long term, contribute to its translation into products and services.
Strengthen the international leadership capacity of the Spanish Science System, Technology and Innovation and its agents, and contributing to improve the competitiveness of business tissue.
Articulate the R & D & I capacities as well as the promotion and financing instruments with other regional and international agents, mainly European, to develop a true joint programming.
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
EAFRD: € 506 769 845 ERDF: € 188 867 462 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 220 324 161 ERDF: € 521 686 725 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
ERDF: € 152 868 168 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 3.9 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 71 M |
By region | Mellersta Norrland
Nora Mellansverige – 40 M (047 – ICT)
By operational programme | 2014SE16RFOP006 – Regional 2014SE16RFOP007 – Regional 2014SE16RFOP008 – Regional 2014TC16RFTN004 – Transnational |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Federal Funds
In November 2016, the government announced via a press release the spending of 11.5 MSEK (1.2 MEUR) until March 2020 for investment promotion related to Smart Industry.
In the period 2017-2020, the government intends to increase funding by 850 million SEK (82 MEUR) for broadband expansion targeting areas where conditions for commercial expansion are missing.
Furthermore, the government has decided to redistribute 150 million SEK (14.5 MEUR) to broadband expansion within the framework of the European Agricultural Fund for Regional Development. This means that the existing support for broadband expansion within the framework of the EAFRD is increased from 3.25 billion SEK (314 MEUR) to 4.25 billion SEK (410 MEUR). Previously, the government has also enabled investments of 1.2 billion SEK through efforts made for the three northern regional programs of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The investments within the framework of the EAFRD and the ERDF will complete and reinforce one another.
The Swedish government carries out an investment in digitalization consulting for SMEs with an investment of 78 MSEK (7.5 MEUR).
Structural Funds
National Budget (ICT) |
EAFRD: € 32 875 782 ERDF: € 354 121 638 |
National Budget (Research and Innovation) |
EAFRD: € 301 723 021 ERDF: € 2 541 445 575 |
National Budget (Network Infrastructures in Transport and Energy) |
ERDF: € 234 434 352 |
Connecting Europe Facility – Telecom Grants (2014 – 2017) |
€ 8.1 million |
Funding source | ESIF |
Total amount | 177 M |
By region | East Midlands
East of England
North East England
North West England
Northern Ireland – 0.5 M (046 – ICT)
South West England
West Midlands England
Yorkshire and The Humbler
By operational programme | 2014UK16RFOO011 – Multi-regional 2014TC16RFTN004 – Transnational 2014UK16RFOP004– Regional 2014UK16RFOP005– Regional 2014UK16RFOP006– Regional |
By category of intervention | 046 – ICT: High-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 30 Mbps) 047 – ICT: Very high-speed broadband network (access/local loop; >/= 100 Mbps) 045 – ICT: Backbone/backhaul network |
Federal Funds
740 MGBP (834 MEUR) to 5G trials and full fibre deployment across the UK by 2020/2021
160 MGBP (180 MEUR) from the NPIF 2017
25 MGBP (28 MEUR) for six nationwide testbeds and trials, including:
- 5 MGBP for the 5G Smart Tourism consortium led by the West of England Combined Authority. This testbed will focus on delivering enhanced visual experiences for tourists using AR and VR technology in major attractions in Bath and Bristol in south west England.
- 8 MGBP for the Worcestershire 5G consortium led by Worcestershire Local Enterprise partnership. This test will focus on increasing industrial productivity through assisted maintenance using robotics, big data analytics and Augmented Reality over 5G.
- 1 MGBP for the 5G Rural Integrated Testbed (5GRIT)
led by Quickline Communications. 5GRIT will be trialling innovative use of 5G technology across a range of rural applications, such as smart agriculture, tourism and connecting underserved communities, using shared spectrum in the TV bands and a mix of local ISPs and self-provision. - 3 MGBP for the 5G RuralFirst consortium: Rural Coverage and Dynamic Spectrum Access Testbed and Trial led by Cisco. The test focuses on delivering 5G to rural communities and industries like agriculture, broadcasting, and utilities, based primarily on the Orkney Islands, and in the farmlands of Shropshire and Somerset
- 5 MGBP for Liverpool 5G Testbed led by Sensor City. The projectis focused on bringing gigabit broadband to deprived areas, to support services such as next generation healthcare.
- 1 MGBP for AutoAir: 5GTestbed for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles led by Airspan Communications. The test is focused on delivering bandwidth to high-speed vehicles (cars, buses and trains) at the Millbrook’s vehicule test track.