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IN : 5G spectrum

The Ofcom consults on exposure to EMF

The regulator published results of a measurement campaign

Ofcom opened a consultation on human exposure to Electromagnetic Field Emissions (EMF) in the UK. The consultation started on February 21th, 2020 and will end on May 15th, 2020. The regulator proposes to include a specific condition in telecom licences requiring licensees to comply with ICNIRP guidelines. This condition will apply to all equipment, which can transmit at powers above 10 Watts. The condition will affect licences of mobile operators, TV and radio broadcasters and of most microwave links providers. Ofcom also suggests a similar approach for licence-exempt equipment, which can transmit at powers above 10 Watts (including satellite terminals).

At the same time, Ofcom released the results of EMF measurements collected close to 16 5G base stations in 10 cities across the UK and to 60 GHz fixed wireless equipment in Liverpool.  In all cases, the measured EMF levels from 5G  base stations were far below the ICNIRP Guidelines (the highest level was approximately 1.5% of the relevant level); the 5G share of the total emissions level observed was currently very low – the highest level observed in the band used for 5G was just 0.039% of the reference level.

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